
Small Sciences Symposium

发布时间:2023-04-04 09:24:30

The Small Sciences Symposium is one of the traditional events in ChinaNano conference since 2013, co-organized by Wiley and the International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, China. As a Special Section within the ChinaNANO conference, the 6th Small Sciences Symposium will be held in Beijing on August 27th, 2023, encompassing 15 invited lectures (20 minutes each) presented by our distinguished Advisory Board Members of Wiley journals and the awardees of the 2021 Small Young Innovator Award (Prof. Shaojun Guo and Prof. Zheng Liu). The symposium is intended to bring together the leading scientists, highlight the cutting-edge research at the forefront of nanoscience and nanotechnology, and strengthen the relationships between Wiley and the scientific community. There will also be a ceremony at the end of the symposium to celebrate the milestones achieved by Small-family journals, including Small, Small Methods, Small Structures and Small Science.